Brie Apfelbaum, Chair, Women United,
Lois Passi, Local Vision Chair, member of Women United
Lizz Hendricks, member Women United, helps with outreach and marketing with Women United.
Joanne Troutman, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way
Guest will discuss the GSVCC Women United group and their initiatives:
Local Vision.
Local Vision’s fundraiser brunch (Isabella's Restaurant in Selinsgrove to benefit the Woman United and their Local Vision initiative)
The ‘putting a child to bed’ effort.
Their work in the ALICE population.
Additionally, as time permits, Joanne will discuss juuling: GSVUW and Evangelical Community Hospital Community Health and Wellness staff, and United in Recovery group, will have two upcoming juuling presentations for the community on Tues., 10/22 (Midd-West High School Auditorium) and Tues., 10/29 (Mt. Carmel HS Auditorium) related to the current juuling and background electronic cigarette trend and specifically school-aged use and some related education. Both presentations will be 6-7:30pm.
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