Murray Zlotziver, Director of the Priestley House Museum, on how some dead people will come to live in the Northumberland Riverview Cemetery. We’ll talk about the Priestley House’s event October 30. Details: “1st Annual Historic Cemetery at the Northumberland Riverview Cemetery. We will portray some notable people who are buried in the cemetery, including Joseph & Mary Priestley, and a few surprises such as a Barnum & Bailey clown. Entry times will be 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45 & 8:00 Tours will last approximately 1 hour. Tickets: Adults $10 Children 12 and under accompanied by an adult $5. Tickets available at the JPH Saturday & Sunday 1-4 pm or call 570-428-2873 or 570-473-9474. This is a rain or shine event with no refunds.
Emily Fread, Dairy Educator, Union County, Penn State Extension, and her work, her 'deliverables,' how she is helping farmers and helping the public understand...
Vacation mode activated.
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host a fabulous show. Joe says the debate was worthless, Mark says it was exciting and valuable. Joe accurately...