Steve Stumbris, Director, Bucknell University Small Business Development Center, on the SBDC’s New Year’s resolutions, helping more people discern and launch start-ups, growing the actions and impact of entrepreneurs, and helping all local businesses with taxes, COVID impact, marketing, digital and everything else. We’ll discuss the Creative COVID-19 Revitalization Initiative for Rural Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs grant,challenges facing businesses right now and how new businesses are starting up in greater numbers over the past two years (think…I quit/resigned/got laid off/just left my employer/they shut down, and decided to start up/work on/dream up, my own business…).
2/6/23 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about reducing the size and scope of the state legislature, the Chinese spy balloon (and how...
BTN’s Dave Revsine says the new OT format is ‘not football’ and doesn’t think the NCAA accomplished what they wanted with the format.
Steve interviews Donnie Collins of the Scranton-Times Tribune.