11/8/22 WKOK Sunrise: Earl Bennett and Dick Simpson, American Legion leaders on the upcoming Town Hall Forum on suicide among teens, veterans and women
November 08, 2022•00:12:00
Steve Jones Show
11/8/22 WKOK Sunrise: Earl Bennett and Dick Simpson, American Legion leaders on the upcoming Town Hall Forum on suicide among teens, veterans and women
Earl Bennett, PA American Legion District Deputy Commander 17th district, Children and Youth Chairman, veteran of Desert Storm (21-years in US Army), former Post 201 commander, and Dick Simpson, past District Commander, past Post 44 Commander, PA Assistant Sargent at Arms, chaplain, on their upcoming programming Town Hall Forum Nov. 16, 7pm at Post 44 Northumberland/Point Township addressing the critical—and growing—incidence of suicide among teens, veterans and women.
They tell us the suicide incidents have gone from 22 per day, to 35 per day in the US. They will hold a panel discussion and offer a Q & A period, talking about the reasons for the increases, signs of suicide and what can be done to address this issue. Panelists will include police, other first responders, prosecutors, coroner, clergy, school personnel and counselors, students, and Behavioral Health specialists. They’ll have another event, same topic, in Dalmatia next year.