Peterson Toscano professional podcaster, author, TicTok star, bible-scholar, climate advocate, world traveler, live performer, on his fabulous adventure underway in South Africa, and how (to no one’s surprise) he is a huge hit on TikTok, particularly among residents of the Susquehanna Valley, and since the topic is…food. But nouveau foodie Peterson will talk about the 50,000 followers, and the what might be an idea for a new book: Peterson’s Big Adventure
Eagles Radio’s Glen Macnow says winning is ‘close to impossible’ for the Eagles right now.
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host CBS' congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane on debt ceiling, and 'cataclysmic impact' of defaulting on US debt, and the...
Hour 2 – Guests: 24/7 Sports Mark Brennan, on men’s basketball’s continued shooting woes, Tim Banks heading to Tennessee and how that hurts recruiting...