Dr. Chris Martine, the star of ‘Plants are Cool Too,’ is back on Sunrise with his take on the Hasbro ‘Potato Head’ controversy. Turns out Mr. Potato Head has been both Mr. and Mrs. all along it was just kids jabbing on the parts that differentiated between papa potato and mama spud. Dr. Martine has brought us the ‘Plantsgiving’ conversation last November, and has helped discover new plants globally, and seemingly lost plants locally
USA Today’s Neal Coolong didn’t hold back AT ALL when asked about Doug Whaley’s comments about Jack Ham adapting to today’s game in a...
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan hosted local GOP stalwart and community leader John Meckley of Milton. John is not voting for Pres. Trump and...
5/16/23 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue 'The Durham' report, the terrible FBI accusations, the collusion, Paul Manafort, and Russian collusion! We discuss...