3/24/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host CBS's Jill Schlesinger, Dr. Martin from Bucknell, and vibrant open phones

March 24, 2020 01:13:44
3/24/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host CBS's Jill Schlesinger, Dr. Martin from Bucknell, and vibrant open phones
Steve Jones Show
3/24/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host CBS's Jill Schlesinger, Dr. Martin from Bucknell, and vibrant open phones

Mar 24 2020 | 01:13:44


Show Notes

Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host Dr. Eric C. Martin, Associate Professor of Management, Management and Organizations Department, Kenneth W. Freeman College of Management, Bucknell University, on the slow COVID-19 response by the US government, and how seemingly all agencies, and governments are getting on board now. Then at 9:06am we spoke to Jill Schlesinger, CBS News Business Analyst on the state of Wall Street, the US economy right now, the recession, shortages in stores and the stimulus being drafted in Washington. Then during open phones, a dozen callers with person ideas, solutions, opinions and reviews of the previous guests.

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