Samantha Pearson, Executive Director Lewisburg Neighborhoods, Elm Street Manager, and Walk it! Bike it! (WIBI) Coordinator, is back with some myth busting concerning vaccines and people who are vaccinated. We’ll talk about the common myths (the science was rushed, why vaccinate if I can get it anyway, or it’s just like the flu). We’ll talk about fertility and menstrual cycle concerns, why rural areas do need vaccinations, why natural immunity will never happen, and why young people should be vaccinated.
Mark Lawrence and Ben Reichley host state house member Fred Keller who is a GOP candidate for US congress, hoping to replace former congressman...
JoAnn Kieffer, Superintendent, Sunbury Christian Academy, and Alison Tomko, Computer and Career Teacher at SCA, on their upcoming event—a ventriloquist and spaghetti dinner fundraiser...
TicketManager’s Tony Knopp says its a ‘near certainty’ there’ll be a streaming component in the new Big Ten TV deal, and the SEC will...