5/9/23 WKOK Sunrise: Angela Cooper of 4Paws Sake PA Board President on this Saturday's Dog Festival in Milton, the demos, blessing, food, music, pets, raffle, fashion show and venders

May 09, 2023 00:10:25
5/9/23 WKOK Sunrise: Angela Cooper of 4Paws Sake PA Board President on this Saturday's Dog Festival in Milton, the demos, blessing, food, music, pets, raffle, fashion show and venders
Steve Jones Show
5/9/23 WKOK Sunrise: Angela Cooper of 4Paws Sake PA Board President on this Saturday's Dog Festival in Milton, the demos, blessing, food, music, pets, raffle, fashion show and venders

May 09 2023 | 00:10:25


Show Notes

Angela Cooper, 4Paws Sake PA Board President (an animal rescue based in Milton), on their upcoming Dog Festival this Saturday May 13,from 11am to 3pm at Brown Avenue Park in Milton. The festival is for families, children and pets. There will be many vendors, dog demonstrations, dog blessing, food, music, a big raffle, a doggie fashion show,  and more.

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