Tuesday 9/28/21
Hour 1 – Topics:Steve is joining the party questioning why Miles Sanders only had two carries last night, Guest: Blue-White Illustrated’s Greg Pickel, he says James Franklin had a message from last week and the team’s picked up on it, John Lovett’s future role in the offense, and more.
Wednesday 9/29/21 Hour 1 – Topics: Steve doesn’t understand the book on the Patriots, and Sean Clifford is a semifinalist for Campbell Award.
: Shannon Thomas, Live Stake Coordinator, Chesapeake Conservancy, Freshwater Research Institute, Susquehanna University, on the live stakes process happening on our area. I’ll ask...
Tuesday 10/26/21 Hour 1 – Steve says James Franklin’s actions are still speaking louder than words like Mike Tomlin’s in the midst of more...