Latest Episodes
Bauer: Penn St. O-Line Took Step Forward vs Ohio’s Nate Bauer says Penn State’s offensive line did take a step forward in the win vis Ohio.
9/12/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff argie vociferously about the US/Mexico border and illegal immigration
9/12/22 On The Mark: Joe & Steve Kusheloff argue vociferously about the US/Mexico border and illegal immigration. They also discuss hippocrital conservatives (EB email...
9/9/22 Shikellamy Football: Shikellamy pulls out a win at Central Mountain 23-3
Kevin Herr and 'The Chief' Dave Ritchie call an on the road win for the Braves, first win in a year. You can hear...
Merrill 'Nervous' About Eagles' Opener at Lions
The Voice of the Eagles, Merrill Reese, is ‘nervous’ about the Eagles season opener at Detroit.
9/9/22 Hour 2 - Our picks with the King
Hour 2 – The Voice of the Eagles, Merrill Reese, is ‘nervous’ about the Eagles season opener at Detroit, and its our football picks...
Hillgrove on Fans Wanting Pickett: 'Remember Big Ben in '04'
The voice of the Steelers Bill Hillgrove told The Steve Jones Show Friday fans should patiently wait for Kenny Pickett.