Latest Episodes
5/11/22 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about Sen. Mastriano, Pres. Biden and Roe v. Wade
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss the GOP gubernatorial candidacy of PA Senator Doug Mastriano and how if he is nominated, he won't win...
5/11/22 WKOK Sunrise: Bill Payn and Adam Dietz on this weekend's Susquehanna Valley Chorale Pops Concert
Bill Payn, Conductor and Music Director, Susquehanna Valley Chorale, and Adam Dietz, Marketing and Development Liaison, tenor singer, on the Chorale’s pops concert this...
5/10/22 Hour 2 - Steve Could Care Less About NFL Schedule Release
Hour 2 – Steve really could care less about the upcoming NFL schedule release…but Matt is giddy about it and shares some games already...
5/10/22 Hour 1 - Steve Reacts to Brady FOX Contract
Tuesday 5/10/22 Hour 1 – Steve reacts to the huge Tom Brady FOX contract, forechecking has been the key to the Penguins’ success, and...
Ike Taylor: Steelers Got 'Best of Both Worlds' with Draft
Former Steeler/Bleav Podcast Network’s Ike Taylor says the Steelers got the best of both worlds with this year’s draft class.
5/10/22 Cliff Rieders, Noted Attorney, says 'Hard to Justify' Roe v Wade
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host noted attorney Clifford Rieders of Williamsport, past president of the PA Trial Lawyers Association, founding partner in Rieders,...