Latest Episodes
Coolong: We'll Find Out JuJu's Worth soon
USA Today’s Neal Coolong says we’ll find out JuJu Smith-Schuster’s worth to the Steelers in the coming weeks.
10/12/21 Hour 2 - Steve Says NFL Needs to Address 'Enablers' From Gruden Fallout
Hour 2 – Steve says the NFL needs to look at ‘enabler’s from the Jon Gruden situation, and USA Today’s Neal Coolong says we’ll...
10/12/21 Hour 1 - Steve Says Jon Gruden's Emails Are Disgusting
Tuesday 10/12/21 Hour 1 – Steve says Jon Gruden’s emails are disgusting and they speak for themselves, and Gary Bettman has had a good...
10/12/21 On The Mark: Mark & Joe feature Guest: Paul Siewers. Callers ask about topics such as abortion, President Biden, Dr. Fauci and more....
Father Deacon Paul Siewers, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Literary Studies, Bucknell University, and Chris Ellis, Professor of Political Science, on the nascent Open Discourse...
Oct. 12, 2021
It’s National Farmer’s Day and Tom’s gonna talk about… Dumbo? Tom’s also got details on the NEW vegetarian shrimp? Tom’s got more details about...
10/12/21 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Lenaire Ahlum
Dr. Lenaire Ahlum, Executive Director, Susquehanna Valley Community Education Project, with an update on the community college effort, the many new developments, and a...