Latest Episodes
9/30/21 On The Mark: Mark & Joe interview PA Senator John Gordner. Topics include election investigation, Voter ID and the passing of Ed Helfrick. Callers are fired up to discuss vaccine mandates....
9/30/21 WKOK Sunrise: Alana Jajko.
Alana Jajko, Director of Communications & Outreach, Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, with an update on the mission, and the what, where and work of the...
9/30/21 WKOK Sunrise: Diane Weller
Diane Weller – Coach, Speaker, Writer, Chief Encouragement Officer, Diane Weller Coaching, on ‘What’s holding you back?” A simple but deep question that will...
Dulac: Several Issues with 4th and 10 Play Call
Steelers Radio Network/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Gerry Dulac says there were several issues with the 4th and 10 play call – especially because that was the...
Zangaro: No Excuses for Lack of Miles Sanders Touches
NBC Sports Philly’s Dave Zangaro says Miles Sanders’ two carries is unacceptable and Eagles have to actually run the ball more.
9/29/21 Hour 2 - NBC Sports Philly's Dave Zangaro, Steelers Radio's Gerry Dulac
Hour 2 – Guests: NBC Sports Philly’s Dave Zangaro, he says Miles Sanders’ two carries is unacceptable and Eagles have to actually run the...