Latest Episodes
10/19/20 WKOK Sunrise: Melanie Simms on her pandemic themed poetry book
Melanie Simms, author, poet, former PA Poet Laureate, Valley resident, on her upcoming poetry book, inspired by WKOK (!), Poets with Masks On, a...
Shikellamy at Jersey Shore - Friday, October 16, 2020
WKOK's broadcast of the Shikellamy at Jersey Shore football game from Friday, October 16, 2020 with Kevin Herr and "The Chief" Dave Ritchie.
10/16/20 Hour 2 - Another anti-opener rant, and our pick segment
Hour 2 - Topics: Steve goes on another anti-opener rant, the Colts false positives, and its our picks segment with The King!
10/16/20 Hour 2 - Angels employee indicted, Steve doesn't like Joe Buck criticism
Friday 10/16/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Setting up high school football and college football scenes - former Angels employee indicted in Tyler Skagg's overdose...
Oct. 16, 2020
Candy Madness is finally down to the top 2...Who is your winner, Reese's or KitKat?
10/16/20 On The Mark: Mark & John Shipman host Prof. Scott Meinke
Mark Lawrence and guest co-host John Shipman interview Bucknell University Political Science professor Scott Meinke, on the town halls last night, the 'road to...