Latest Episodes
8/19/20 WKOK Sunrise: Gene Barr
Gene Barr, President and CEO, Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, on the #WhyIWearIt campaign encouraging all Pennsylvanians, especially business owners, and business people,...
8/18/2020 Lynda Schlegel Culver on WKOK's On The Mark
State Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver on WKOK's On The Mark encouraging a timely start of the school year, fall sports, and addressing other pandemic...
8/18/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host State House member Lynda Schlegel Culver
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host State Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver talking about the pandemic's impact on the start of school, fall sports and...
8/17/20 WKOK Sunrise: Danielle Hinkle and Marshall Buggy
Danielle Hinkle and Marshall Buggy, recent Shamokin Area High School graduates who are reinvesting in their community, enjoying the Future Leaders and Achievers of...
August 14, 2020
They're making a reboot of...everything? Find out what's all being rebooted on today's Flashback Friday!
8/14/2020 WKOK Sunrise: Movie McGranaghan gave two movies 4 stars!
Movie Mike McGranaghan, professional movie critic, ‘women in cinema’ advocate and author, with a reviews if 'Sputnik,' a documentary about Ren & Stimpy, and...