Latest Episodes
6/17/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss a petition for improvements at Selinsgrove school district
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss a 500 signature petition calling for systemic, educational and staffing changes at the Selinsgrove Area School District. The...
6/17/20 WKOK Sunrise: Six Demands from the SASD Community in Solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives
A representative circulating a petition regarding Selinsgrove Area School District’s actions regarding race, diversity and policing. They have “Six Demands from the SASD Community...
June 16, 2020
Tom and Lura discuss the return of the Ford Bronco.
6/16/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Dr. Jason Bendle, Superintendent Shikellamy on school in the COVID era
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host Shikellamy superintendent Dr. Jason Bendle, asking him about who school will be conducted this fall, how their budget...
6/16/20 WKOK Sunrise: Brad Hare
Brad Hare, Sunbury Police Chief, on his new era of Sunbury policing now underway, the mayor’s ‘citizen’s commission,’ conversations about race and de-escalation, and...
June 15, 2020
Could it be the end of Chuck E. Cheese?