Latest Episodes
12/2/19 On The Mark: Joe McGranaghan and Peggy Chamberlain Roup
12/2/19 WKOK Sunrise: Rev. Ann Keeler Evans on Shape of Justice
Reverend Ann Keeler-Evans, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Susquehanna Valley, and Anne Coyne, a very active volunteer with the Shape of Justice initiative...
12/2/19 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Alexander Riley on the next free speech speaker on campus
Dr. Alexander Riley, Professor of Sociology, Bucknell University, on the next segment in the upcoming series of speeches and discussions asking the question—are colleges...
11/27/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host Prof. Alexander Riley re: free speech and campus censorship
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host Bucknell Sociology professor Alexander Riley on a professor Eric Rasmusen at Indiana University who is being censored because...
11/27/19 WKOK Sunrise: Patti Snyder and Josh Ross
Patti Snyder, Renewed Hope Women’s Home Director, and Josh Ross - HandUP Foundation, on the mission and work of the foundation, their new Bargain...
11/27/19 WKOK Sunrise: Duane DeWire and Helen Walter
Duane DeWire and Helen Walter, guests from the Selinsgrove Chamber of Commerce. We’ll talk about their upcoming holiday events. We’ll discuss the Santa Pet...