Latest Episodes
7/29/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about the President's latest divisive Tweets
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan talk about the President's latest divisive Tweets regarding Baltimore.
7/29/19 WKOK Sunrise: Rylan Ebright
Rylan Ebright, President Reliance Hose Company, Middleburg, on the Middleburg Carnival.
7/26/19 On The Mark: Mark & Ben argue about Mueller report, school lunches and more
Mark Lawrence and Ben Reichley host open phones, the Mueller testimony and Wyoming Valley West School District, and free lunch and breakfast programs were...
7/26/19 WKOK Sunrise: Movie Mike McGranaghan
Mike McGranaghan, professional movie critic, author and ‘women in cinema’ advocate, with his review of ‘Crawl’ and entertainment news, to include news of a...
7/26/19 WKOK Sunrise: Dan Saxton
Dan Saxton, Treasurer, Rescue Hose Company, raffle coordinator, on the Mustang Raffle with a last minute update on the raffle, an official red carpet...
7/25/19 WKOK Sunrise: Alf Siewers
Rdr. Dr. Alf Kentigern Paul Siewers, St. John the Wonderworker Russian Orthodox Mission Church in Lewisburg, Associate Professor of English, Bucknell University, on the...