Latest Episodes
5/16/19 WKOK Sunrise: Nathan Savidge
Nathan Savidge, Sunbury, Republican Sunbury City Council candidate, on his campaign, why run, his actions in office if elected, and other related Sunbury issue...
5/16/19 WKOK Sunrise: Jeff Rowe
Jeff Rowe, Lewisburg, Cross-Filed Magisterial District Judge candidate, on his campaign, why run, his actions in office if elected, and other related MDJ issue...
5/15/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss the Wood-Mode shutdown and the future for workers
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host open phones, we discuss the Wood-Mode shutdown, what went wrong in the company, why the state can't help,...
May 15th, 2019
Guessing the mystery Pringles flavor could get you $10,000 -- Tom and Lura talk about it this morning!
5/15/19 WKOK Sunrise: Joe Feehrer
Joe Feehrer, Beavertown, Republican candidate for Snyder County Commissioner, on on why he is running, his campaign and the big issues (think jobs, brain...
5/15/19 WKOK Sunrise: Victoria Rosancrans
Victoria Rosancrans, Sunbury resident, Democratic candidate for Sunbury City Council (and asking republicans to write her in), on why she is running, her campaign,...