Latest Episodes
3/13/19 WKOK Sunrise: Aubrey Alexander and Jason McCahan
Aubrey Alexander of the Alexander Family Dealerships, and Jason McCahan, Director of Strategic Philanthropy, First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania, on this week’s Raise...
March 12th, 2019
Try It Tuesday today -- a new take on an old favorite
3/12/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about Nancy Pelosi and impreachment
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan argue, with the help of many callers, about if Pres. Trump should be impeached. We talk about the nuclear...
March 11th, 2019
The Girl Scouts live in studio talking cookies! Plus, Bucknell University talking about tonight's Women's Basketball playoff game
3/12/19 WKOK Sunrise: Bill Payn and Adam Dietz - Susquehanna Valley Chorale - Peacemakers
3/11/19 On The Mark: Mark and Joe argue about doc in a box
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan argue about a form of telemedicine--when a patient is informed that they are terminally ill-via a skype connection with...