Latest Episodes
2/7/19 WKOK Sunrise: Samantha Pearson & Andrew Miller
Samantha Pearson, Lewisburg Neighborhoods Corporation Elm Street Manager, and Walk it! Bike it! Coordinator, and Andrew Miller, Executive Director, Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau,...
Shikellamy at Selinsgrove Boys Basketball - Wednesday, February 6, 2019
WKOK's coverage of Shikellamy at Selinsgrove boys basketball from Wednesday, February 6, 2019 with Kevin Herr and "The Chief" Dave Ritchie.
Jersey Shore at Shikellamy Wrestling - Tuesday, February 5, 2019
WKOK's broadcast of the Jersey Shore at Shikellamy wrestling match from Tuesday, February 5, 2019 with Steve Williams.
2/6/19 On The Mark: Mark and Joe argue about SOTU and coverage
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan offer their reaction (favorable) to the State of the Union Address, the fact checking, and they discuss the varying...
2/6/19 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Petra Lynch
Petra Lynch, MD, Interventional Cardiologist, Heart and Vascular Center of Evangelical, Evangelical Community Hospital, on women and heart disease: What risks and symptoms vary...
February 5th, 2019
It's a Try It Tuesday -- today we try using chop sticks!