Joanne Troutman, President and CEO, Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way, speaking as a private citizen on the USA Today article this week talking about people with immune issues and the COVID-19 vaccine. We’ll discuss concerns, the decision, and the data we know so far, and far more precarious balancing act she had to consider…risk vs. benefit vs. real life consequences vs. putting COVID behind her for good.
John Zaktansky, Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper, Executive Director, Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, on the state of the river lately, the HERYN program, Songs of the...
On the Thursday, July 25th edition of On the Mark, callers wanted to talk about last night’s address by President Biden, Kamala Harris and...
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host Robert Buehner, Retired Montour County District Attorney, current volunteer Assistant District Attorney in Montour County, Judicial District 26...