Latest Episodes
11/19/20 Hour 1 - Lamar Stevens signs with Cavs, Nate Bauer on life after Pat Chambers
Thursday 11/19/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Lamar Stevens signs 2-way deal with Cleveland and other NBA Draft reaction. Guest: Nate Bauer, Blue-White Illustrated, on...
11/19/20 On the Mark with Joe McGranaghan and Steve Kusheloff
The complete WKOK broadcast of the On the Mark program from Thursday, November 19, 2020 with hosts Joe McGranaghan and Steve Kusheloff.
11/18/20 Hour 2 - Why no one doesn't know any NBA draft prospects
Hour 2 - Topics: Steve goes through the top prospects for tonight's NBA Draft, but says there's a problem because most fans know more...
11/18/20 Hour 1 - Brian Tripp on start of PSU Men's Hockey
Wednesday 11/18/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Steve says Notre Dame's biggest strength is confidence, and an update to Penn State's COVID-19 testing. Guest: Brian...
11/18/2020 On The Mark: Mark and Joe discuss the election, racism and President Trump
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss the court fights related to the 2020 Presidential election, the lack of a transition to President Elect Joe...
11/18/2020 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Chris Martine on #PlantsGiving
Chris Martine, the star of ‘Plants are Cool Too’ is back on Sunrise with some pandemic related #PlantsGiving campaign, encouraging everyone to raise awareness...