Latest Episodes
11/13/2020 WKOK Sunrise: Movie Mike with his review of Freaky, and he talks about Alex Trebek
Movie Mike McGranaghan, professional movie critic, ‘women in cinema’ advocate and author, with a review of ‘Freaky.’ We discuss entertainment news, including…the death of...
11/12/20 Hour 2 - Our picks segment, Pittsburgh PG's Gerry Dulac on The Masters, Steelers
Hour 2 - It's an early Thursday edition of our picks segment with The King! Guest: Gerry Dulac, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, with his thoughts...
11/12/20 Hour 1 - Journey Brown's career over,'s Mark Wogenrich
Thursday 11/12/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Steve reacts to the end of Journey Brown's career and how he emerged into the player he was....
11/12/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about election fallout and the 'Red Wave'
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss the 'Red Wave' that swept over the nation -- except for President. We talked about the local, state...
11/12/2020 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Robin Spangler, UPMC family medicine
Dr. Robin Spangler, family medicine specialist, UPMC, on her return to the Valley, now can we avoid having the predicted ‘dark winter,’ and what...
11/12/2020 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Rutul Dalal on COVID spread and preventing the disease
Dr. Rutul Dalal, Medical Director, Infectious Diseases, UMPC Susquehanna, on the resurgence of COVID-19 locally, how and where the disease is being spread, how...