Latest Episodes
11/11/20 Hour 2 - ESPN's Ivan Maisel, Adam Tellifero special
Hour 2 - Guest: ESPN College Football's Ivan Maisel, on the challenges college football has faced with COVID, particularly with the SEC, his thoughts...
11/11/20 Hour 1 - Ohio State-Maryland cancelled due to COVID
Wednesday 11/11/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Ohio State-Maryland cancelled after COVID cases pop up at Maryland, Steve says he wasn't impressed by Maryland's defense...
11/11/2020: On The Mark: Mark & Joe host US Cong. Dan Meuser (R-9th, Dallas, Pa.)
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host a surprise telephone call from US Congressman Dan Meuser (R-9th, Dallas, Pa.), on Veteran's Day and veterans issues,...
11/11/2020 WKOK Sunrise: United in Recovery Narcan giveaway
Olivia Grace Oden, Stigma Reduction & Education Coordinator, United in Recovery, on the mission and work of United in Recovery, on their upcoming Narcan...
Nov. 11, 2020
Happy Veterans Day!
11/10/20 Hour 1 - Comparisons to 2000 Penn State team, James Franklin on struggles
Tuesday 11/10/20 Hour 1 - Topics: Steve reacts to same fan emails, including one comparing this year's team to the 2000 team, and James...