Latest Episodes
5/20/20 WKOK Sunrise: Ted Rueter
Ted Rueter, Director, Noise Free America: A Coalition to Promote Quiet, on their efforts fighting noise, especially from loud cars, motorcycles and leaf blowers....
5/19/2020 Dr. Rachel Levine daily briefing
5/19/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe talk about Pres. Trump's 'hydroxy' usage
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host a vibrant session of open phones, talking about the President's BMI, his use of hydroxychloroquine, and firing IGs....
May 18, 2020
Tom and Lura talk about a new social media trend called the last normal photo.
5/18/20 Kendra Aucker and Rachel Smith media briefing 5/18/20
Evangelical Community Hospital President and CEO Kendra Aucker, and Rachel Smith, Vice President of People and Culture Rachel Smith talk about patients, COVID-19, their...
5/18/20 Dr. Rachel Levine daily update, live on WKOK