Latest Episodes
AUDIO HERE: State Rep Rowe on the Governor's mistake
State house member David Rowe discusses the confusion from Gov. Wolf's shutdown request, and how we can all stay safe.
3/17/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss the governor's urgings
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss the coronavirus outbreak, Pres. Trump's turnaround and his serious tone now, Gov. Wolf's big gaffe (calling his non-essential...
3/17/20 WKOK Sunrise: Erica Shames & Peterson Toscano
Erica Shames, Founder and Publisher, Susquehanna Life Magazine, and Peterson Toscano, storyteller, global community activist, bible scholar, host of Citizens' Climate Radio, author, actor,...
3/16/20 WKOK Sunrise: Susan Decker
Susan Decker, licensed professional counselor at Rooted Relational Therapy, on the mental health aspects of the coronavirus.
3/16/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe discuss coronavirus outbreak and our response
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan discuss the coronavirus outbreak, and our response, hoarding toilet paper, empty stores, Pres. Trump's response, the state response, the...
3/12/2020 On The Mark