Latest Episodes
3/25/20 WKOK Sunrise: Dr. Lenaire Ahlum
Dr. Lenaire Ahlum, Executive Director, Susquehanna Valley Community Education Project, on what community colleges can do during a crisis, how their agility and resiliency...
March 24th, 2020
First people were getting married from rooftops but now there is drive by gender reveal parties.
3/24/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe host CBS's Jill Schlesinger, Dr. Martin from Bucknell, and vibrant open phones
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan host Dr. Eric C. Martin, Associate Professor of Management, Management and Organizations Department, Kenneth W. Freeman College of Management,...
3/24/20 WKOK Sunrise: Alana Jajko
Alana Jajko, Director of Communications & Outreach, Susquehanna Greenway Partnership, on the new found time to enjoy the outdoors, the water, hiking and other...
March 23rd, 2020
Everyone is staying inside so now people are getting married on balconies.
3/23/2020 On The Mark: Mark & Joe interview Dr. Rousu & Joe Kantz re: COVID response
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan interview Dr. Matt Rousu, Ph.D, Dean of the Sigmund Weis School of Business, Professor of Economics, Susquehanna University, on...