Latest Episodes
5/8/19 WKOK Sunrise: Isee Martine, Sam Darer & Alyssa DaDalt
Isee Martine, Director, Sam Darer, Assistant Director, and Alyssa DaDalt, playing the role of young Nora, in the upcoming Lewisburg Area High School Student...
5/8/19 WKOK Sunrise: Stacey Piecuch, Rachel Farrow, Kelly Feiler, Javier Videla, Adien Shaffer and Nickolai Wetzel
Stacey Piecuch, Director of Community Impact, Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way, Rachel Farrow from Transitions, K-12 Digital Certified and a Prevention Education Specialist for...
5/7/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about legal bribes for PA legislators and other topics
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan argue about the free and legal trips, travel, gifts, tickets and overseas junkets from lobbyists, currently enjoyed by PA's...
May 7th, 2019
It's a Try It Tuesday with Knoebels!
5/7/19 WKOK Sunrise: Joyce Hendricks & Jeff Reed
Joyce Hendricks, former board member of Selinsgrove Projects Inc., and current chair of their Market Street Festival, on SPI’s mission, their many events, activities...
May 6th, 2019
Recapping the highly controversial Kentucky Derby