Latest Episodes
WKOK Sunrise: Movie Mike McGranaghan
Movie Mike McGranaghan, professional movie critic, author and ‘women in cinema’ advocate, with his review of Pet Sematary’ and he’ll have words about new...
4/12/19 WKOK Sunrise: Logan Hile & Blaise Zeidler
Logan Hile & Blaise Zeidler, Selinsgrove High School Baseball team on their Sunbury Motor Company Drive-A-Thon Saturday. The event is Saturday 9-3 at Selinsgrove...
4/11/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue about Rep. Omar and Norry traffic
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan start out with Kevin Herr sitting in, complaining about Norry traffic. The traffic signals, he says, stop motorists for...
4/11/19 WKOK Sunrise: Chris Brady
Chris Brady, author, veterans advocate, Standard-Journal managing editor, on his work publicizing the stories of hundreds of local veterans, his book ‘Remembering Firebase Ripcord,’...
4/11/19 Chris Markle and Abdul Alzahrani
Chris Markle of the Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way Diversity and Inclusion Impact Council, and Abdul Alzahrani, Susquehanna University student, on the mission and...
April 10th, 2019
Tom and Lura in the morning