Latest Episodes
April 4th, 2019
April 3rd, 2019
4/4/19 On The Mark: Mark & Joe argue nuclear power bailout
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan argue about the proposed legislation related to helping the nuclear power industry in Pennsylvania. Joe says it is wise...
4/4/19 WKOK Sunrise: Samantha Pearson
Samantha Pearson, Lewisburg Neighborhoods Corporation Elm Street Manager, and Walk it! Bike it! (WIBI) Coordinator on a update on the 2006 bike survey, the...
4/3/19 On The Mark:
Mark Lawrence and Joe McGranaghan talk about the nuclear power industry and a bailout plan being considered by the state house and senate. PA...
4/3/19 WKOK Sunrise: Kathryn Long & Erin Dunleavy
Erin Dunleavy and Kathryn Long, Lifestyle from Weis Markets, on the hottest, healthiest, trending foods. We’re talking oat milk, plant based snacks and more....