Latest Episodes
1/28/19 Dr. Alexander Riley on the Bucknell 60's at 50 series continuing
Alexander Riley, Bucknell University sociology professor, on the series of talks at Bucknell entitled ‘The ’60s at 50s,’ bringing several noted academic figures in...
Shikellamy at Shamokin Boys Basketball - Saturday, January 26, 2019
WKOK's broadcast of the Shikellamy at Shamokin boys basketball game from Saturday, January 26, 2019 with Kevin Herr and "The Chief" Dave Ritchie.
1/28/19 WKOK Sunrise: Ann Keeler-Evans on the Sunbury Together fundraising for furloughed federal workers
Ann Keeler-Evans, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Susquehanna Valley, on the local ‘Sunbury Together’ ministry group looking for donations of products, funds, and...
January 25th, 2019
It's Flashback Friday!
January 24th, 2019
A Bacon McFlurry? Find out more with Tom and Lura this morning
1/25/19 WKOK Sunrise: Movie Mike McGranaghan
Mike McGranaghan, professional movie critic, author and ‘women in cinema’ advocate, with this review of ‘Glass,’ and he’ll have words about new movies. He’ll...